Student lab

Student labMilestones


Development of the students' science lab

  • 2003
    First ideas and first rough plans for the student laboratory
  • from Summer 2005
    concrete planning - gathering of equipment - acquisition of sponsors
  • from autumn 2005
    Setup of the biology and chemistry laboratory in room E11 of the FKG
  • June 23, 2006
    Approval as genetic engineering laboratory of safety level 1
  • July 4, 2006
    Inauguration of the student laboratory with numerous guests of honor
  • Autumn 2006
    first considerations to build an observatory
  • June 19, 2007
    first Natural Science Colloquium
  • from summer 2007
    Planning for an extension by a laser laboratory - gathering of equipment - acquisition of sponsors
  • from autumn 2007
    Establishment of the laser and optics laboratory in the former FKG photo lab
  • Spring 2008
    The laser and optics laboratory goes into operation - Establishment of the natural science library in the former development room of the photo laboratory
  • Summer 2008
    Beginning of the construction work on the observatory
  • December 18, 2009
    Inauguration of the observatory with a ceremony in the Herzog-Hedan-Halle in Hettstadt
  • March 21, 2012
    First light of the new main telescope (Planewave CDK 20) of the observatory
  • Autumn 2013
    first considerations to extend the Hans Haffner Observatory by a radio telescope
  • Summer 2015
    Start of construction work for the extension of the radio telescope
  • February 22, 2016
    The Hans Haffner Observatory becomes a school and university observatory.
  • October 4, 2017
    Inauguration of the radio telescope
  • from summer 2019
    Extension of the student laboratory by room E10. Room E11 becomes the sole chemistry laboratory, biology is located in the new laboratory E10.
  • November 2019
    Experiments started in the new biology laboratory
  • December 11, 2019
    Approval of room E10 as a genetic engineering laboratory of security level 1