
Natural science library completely renovated

After more than 2 years, the renovation of the Natural Sciences Library is now complete.

Firstly, the actual room of the library, room H17a, was completely renovated. As, by a lucky coincidence, new shelves could be purchased from the City of Würzburg's room equipment funds, the school laboratory team decided to use this opportunity to renew both the LAN cabling and the laminate flooring. The walls and door frames were also given a new coat of paint. As always in the student lab, this work was carried out by the students themselves during the holidays or at weekends.

Now, in the second half of 2023, the anteroom, which is also part of the science library, could also be completely renovated in the same way.

The science library now shines in new splendour and not only looks very appealing, but also has a little more storage space for books thanks to the new shelving.